As we begin 2006, everyone does Resolutions. I am not a big resolution guy, never have been, but I am increasingly deciding or figuring out that having goals and a plan for the future is key to achieving those things that we want... also, often I believe we need to make resolutions on a monthly, daily and sometimes hourly basis to continue personal growth - I know if I would have done more of this in the past few years, my current and or future life might be different today.
I have had a lot of things to be thankful for this year and in the past, and many more things, far many more things, that I wish I had been more resolute in my actions and taken different courses. As we get older, hopefully the adage of getting wiser is true and as such the past mistakes should still add value in creating a new more positive future.
There is more to life than the affect you have on your own life through your own actions, you affect far more people around you and in many ways, not the way you intend if your not careful.
so.... without further dieu...
My 2006 Resolution / Goals
Finding Peace
Internally with myself - to find inner peace and acceptance that the past is a part of me and the future can be what I want it to be with work and effort.
Externally, to accept others for who they are, and to look harder at the real person inside - to not just accept them for who I think they are or the perception of who they are to me but... to seek out the truth and to be honest and real for both our sakes)
Without being redundant, but internally – forgiving myself. Allowing myself to understand where I came from, where I am now and where I want to go – and forgive myself for the mistakes I have made during this journey.
Externally, asking for forgiveness from others for my past and for not having so much pride and ego that I will not ask in the future when I must.
Channel my passion towards the good, towards the creative, towards love, towards the things in life that give meaning and purpose. To never let fear, anxiety, ego, others perception or self doubt stop me from trying the things that can change my life – speaking from my heart, putting in the effort and training at building a sound mind, soulful heart and an aura that shines in away that people are drawn in – and if I am lucky, I can positively affect others.
Sound Body
I have been fairly fortunate in my physical health. In spite of what sometimes seem like personal and professional self destruction, I am healthy. My goal this year is to get into a rhythm of personal physical soundness. I am far too old to be a physical specimen of any kind (nor do I want to spend the time to do so), but being mindful of the fragility of the human body and the swing of positive or negative effect your body can have on your mood, your psyche and your general outward effectiveness. I also want to be around to see my family and friends for as long as possible and to be able to remember the times in the past and plan for the future.
Continued Success
This is not just financial or career or professional. I want to set the path in my career in away that I can have a positive long lasting influence over others to better their lives, yes, this would give more fulfillment and meaning to the hours spent at work and the paychecks that are deposited. But more than this, I want to have the ability to give more back, via charity work, community work, or some type of teaching to either the underprivileged youth or to groups that are asking for help but don’t know how or where to turn... This is a real challenge to find a way to give to others without thought of personal gratification or compensation – and in an effort that can be tainted or the act of helping can be commercialized. This is more of a longer term goal, but the seed must be planted this year.
More diligent
Lastly, being more diligent it achieve the above and more diligent in self reflection, to know when to put more effort into the areas I must, and to know when to add to my list in spite of my best efforts.
I am sure there are many other things I can put on this list and much more detail. But that is the beauty of my list... Its fluid and should be a living list, to be reviewed and modified and added to daily. Things don’t happen over night and don’t happen on their own or in the last hour of they year.
Stay tuned.