Time to give thanks yet again another year (I know this was to be done yesterday, however - issues)... I will list out a few of the things here:
*being semi-healthy, it could be worse
*the ability to grow and be introspective
*having an opposable thumb
*having a home
*having my memories (both a good and a bad)
*having passion and desires to strive to do more, to do better
*that the good in my life happened, that the bad and the pain that has happened and with while combing these, it gives allows me to be more humble daily (in spite of myself) and to give over to something greater than what is possible in this world.
Yesterday was a weird day and it is a struggle to think more positive than this, however, all of life’s struggles are relative to other things in one's life and my struggles are no more painful than another’s and no less bothersome. I should be thankful that for the most part, I have the ability, the time, the resources with which to reflect, and both the opportunity and the burning desire to made a change and atone for my sins.
Happy Thanksgiving 2006