"I get it now"... it has taken a while, but for most of my life I thought I got it, I thought I knew it, but really, I was missing the mark in so many ways.
Ego, arrogance, apathy, defiance... stupidity, immaturity, plane and simple. Maybe nothing more than a lack of care, probably mixed in with a little bit of denial.
Creating my own sense of reality or destiny, or fullfilling my own negative prophecy. Suscribing to a type of llfe environment and ensuring it happens.
At any rate or cause, the history as it is written stands, the future cannot undo it, change it or rewrite itself. The future through effort can change the ultimate end results and mitigate the innevitable if not re-directed.
It's up to me. Listen to the past, listen to the voices... there is always some measure in truth when not paid for or when gain is not the means.
And BTW, just proclaiming, "I get it now", might actually dismiss this claim by the sheer fact that I say it, think it or write it. Maybe I am still missing it... not getting it "all", but maybe what matters more, is that I realize that it is more in that "I wasn't getting it" and that the real work is ahead. The list is long...
Earl is right.
Maybe that is what "I get now"...
Work in progress, stay tuned.