Sitting here in the snow, yes, snow and yes not in the desert....
So.... what is it? Why do I feel hyper, a little anxious? I love music, words, interaction, work, etc... on a simple level, things are pretty okay, sure, there are about 8 - 10 things that could be better but they are manageble...
So why am I anxious?
Christmas Eve Anxious... based on family?, friends?, relationships?, desires?, wants?... I know what it is... or at least I think I know... isn't that progress, or evolution on my part?
I don't or can't or won't discuss it... too scary, too real, too much of a possibility of not happening... not going to be what dreams are made of...
Hmmmm... stay the course, not republican-ized version, but stay the course of the heart (aka - be true to it), give it over, give it up, express it and allow what will be will be- hope, pray for the best and just let it happen.
It can happen, it will....
It's Christmas, dreams, hopes, desires are wrapped up and waiting for us to rip them open and live it whole.