I have lived in fear.
I have let my negative dream and poisonous agreements and false understanding of the world lead me astray. I have lived in fear. I have let the parasite of fear infect me and feed off me, drive my emotions and kept my Word unclear.
I have lived in the fog, fueling my negative emotions. To break free of this parasite, takes courage and comes now. The dream I have lived has fed my belief system, it has kept my focus and my attention on the negative agreements of my life to support my fear and personal negative judgements.
I have lived with Addiction.
Addiction to Fear
Addiction to Anger
Addiction to self pity
Addiction to loathing
Addiction to misery.
It has been an agreement with myself to repeat this process, to spread my poison and live in the fog. Moreover, to bring people into my fog.
It is a Declaration of War.
I am a Warrior.
A Warrior has awareness.... awareness requires discipline. Discipline to be ourselves, no matter what.
A Warrior has control.... control over my emotions, over myself.
A Warrior refrains... Refrain is to hold the emotions in and express them at the right moment.
I am not a Victim...
Victims repress...
Victims feed on the feed, the pain, the suffering.
Victims spread the poison.
I don't have to suffer. I will use the Truth to heal the wounds and take from me the poison that infects my dream, tarnished my Word.
I will travel to the Desert to meet my demons head on. I will break the black magic spell and come out on the other side with clarity. I will not stop until I am at the Core of all the Agreements.
Repetition makes the Master.
I will start with my Word. Slowly and daily. Little by little. I will start small and break them. I will take back the power, control my power and free me from the fog. I will expel the agreements that have made me suffer.
I will replace each one, each space, each amount of energy it had consumed with a new agreement. Step by step, a positive agreement will take root in the space that help the poison.
I will not allow the negative energy to deplete me any longer.
I will not allow this negative power to drive my pain and fear.
I will no longer allow the negative emotions to justify my anger, my fear.
I will take back the power, break the hold and make the change for the better.
I will heal the wounds that have infected my mind, soul and body and created the unjust dream which I thought was normal and acceptable.
I am aware of my fog.
This awareness will help me transform to transcend the negative dream.
I will look head on at each agreement I have created, lived with, lived by.
I will reprogram my mind.
I will Explore Alternative Beliefs
I choose to Forgive.
I will forgive Myself first. I will forgive my parents, my friends and others, because of compassion and for love. I will no longer allow the past cause pain and create the fog. I will no longer be the judge that I cannot please.
Self love comes from this forgiveness. From loss of self rejection, having self acceptance. Self love grows stronger each day when we accept ourselves and who we truly are, who we ARE.
Forgiveness is the Key
I will know I have forgiven others when I no longer have the emotional reaction that drove my fear, that drove me to have impure Words, to be angry, to assume, to control or manipulate. I will no longer see the pain, they cannot touch my old wounds. This is not denial, which is just a lie to cover up our wounds and pain. Instead, this is a release, freedom.
I will forgive myself and start to see the world, positive and healthy. I will take the power and the control. I am the Warrior who has emotional power, to not loose control and say or do things that I do not want. I will be Impeccable with my Words.
Today I die, symbolically. I will be resurrected in love.
I am a Warrior.