Gone Mobile
So the site has gone mobile, with auto-detection my journal should now be a cleaner much more simpler site under any standard phone / pda / smartphone. Enjoy
Iphone journaling
Just added the iPhone journal app for my site via WordPress, still in beta but starting to take shape! Should add Geo tagging and photo elements that can take the site to a new level.
New looks for a new year.
Doing a little re-design of the devinfamily journal and the philview site. Decided to archive the old system, loved what it did, how it could be customized, but unfortunately, Noah Grey who created the code and was a genius with web apps, amazing photographer and writer has “disappeared” after a final personal tragedy that he [...]
Grand Canyon Trip Option #1
This is a rim to rim option #1, looking at a few ideas, this one is nice, but a little more heavily traveled so… looking for less people, more strenuous and longer… This hike is 20 miles one way, so 40 for the back to back journey. Grand Canyon National Park: Rim-to-Rim via South Kaibab [...]
Seattle Rock-n-Roll Half Marathon
So one more half marathon in the bag… ran the Inaugural Seattle Rock-n-Roll Half Marathon. There were 25,000 entrants, sold out, no wait list, big big event. In looking at the results, there were a little over 15,000 that finished (wonder how many started but didn’t finish verses entered but never started). Here is a [...]
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