Growing – Separating – Maturing
Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death.
Test of Love…
Read this today, interesting quiz and interesting on how people are trying to quantify matters of the heart, to explain the illogical and the put things in a place that make sense… not possible nor would I want Love, Honesty, Trust, Intimacy to be defined in a logic statement. If 7 of these are true, [...]
I will go in this way…
Come see I swear by now I
Crush Me…
Crazy, how it, feels tonight. Crazy, how you, make it all alright love. You crush me, with the, things you do, I do, for you, anything too oh. Sitting, smoking, feeling high. And in this, moment, ah, it feels so right. Lovely lady, I am at your feet, oh, God I want you so badly. [...]
Karmic Reward
Sometimes, when you live life with no expectations, less self desire and no self directed or ill will intentions, amazing things can come your way. Live life in the best possible way, be the best person, the best human you can be and you can be rewarded, you will be rewarded. Peace of mind, peace [...]
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