Toast and You
Very interesting and unusual idea… but that is what the Net and creative minds do then mashed together… I like the fact that this is more about (or so we know today, it could change later on as things do… or this is just my suspicious mind at work) the charity and giving back as [...]
Extended Entry Option
Well, if i say a bunch of stuff here and dont want the entry page really huge… i extend it….
Giving Thanks
Time to give thanks yet again another year (I know this was to be done yesterday, however – issues)… I will list out a few of the things here: *family *friends *being semi-healthy, it could be worse *warmth *creativity *the ability to grow and be introspective *having an opposable thumb *having a home *having my [...]
Site Work
I am still working on many parts of the new Devinfamily site… mainly the overall look, but also looking at entirely new options for a my photos, some type of Photolog or Photoblog or just a Photo Gallery… not sure, playing with options. One option I kind of like, still needs a lot of tweaking [...]