What a good boy…
When I was born, they looked at me and said what a good boy, what a smart boy, what a strong boy. And when you were born, they looked at you and said, what a good girl, what a smart girl, what a pretty girl. We’ve got these chains that hang around our necks, people [...]
He knows the word Nap and the word No and how they fit together very well to articulate what he does and does not want… so cute! Luke NO Nap
Luke Updates
He had his one year checkup. He’s advanced for speech and overhand throwing, Zoe can attest to this. His health looked great and he is progressing very well. He weighs 23 lbs- 49.99 percentile. He is 29.33 inches tall- 36.18 percentile. His head is 18.9 inches – 89.97 percentile!