Just A Man
Love floats like hope in a bottle Trying to seal it in forever tight Futility is the struggle of just a man Never let in disappear, never if you can Running down a dream, just a circle Looking back to see where the future goes Just a man, stumbles with each step Reaching for the [...]
I look out the window I see the rain splash on the pane My eyes roll down with the drops Down deep Into my soul I feel this cold Maybe this frost will stop it all Just freeze those moments in my mind Let me break them free Free from the pain, just set them [...]
In Patient Harmony
Floating away, feeling low Feeling high, floating away Hearts heavy filled with pain Hearts filled with heavy love Building, finding, making love Growing, showing, having trust Wrapped and gifted for you A Life’s work sharing A divine present, timeless Souls mate with Souls fate Destiny’s path becomes clear What will be shall ever be In [...]
Watching and Waiting
I sit in winters warm blanket Full of life I sit watching and waiting I stand in summers soft sand Full of life Watching and waiting Ahhh, like a baby Fall wraps me up and takes me away, So full of life… Watching and waiting Spring wakes me up with a gentle kiss Rays of [...]
Cause You Were There
You knew me oh so well As if you were there The day I was born, Yes you were there, you were You gave me life by the rivers edge Sitting together, sipping wine Sipping hearts, sipping souls Laughing eyes and starry nights Sunny days come and go… Cause you were there No one knew [...]
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