Devinfamily Journal

Words, rants, thoughts, ideas and stuff…


Posted on | January 8, 2006 | No Comments

I look out the window
I see the rain splash on the pane
My eyes roll down with the drops
Down deep Into my soul
I feel this cold

Maybe this frost will stop it all
Just freeze those moments in my mind
Let me break them free
Free from the pain, just set them free

Floating away, just as I break them free
I let it all go
Let it all just slide away
Melt in my minds heart

This cold is met with a warmth
A life yearning to be touched
Silken hair, golden sun drenched strands
Flow down deep into my soul

Water blue eyes shimmer
Ripple waves of hope with rhythmic dreams
I feel this moment, this memory
Sails away with my heart
Leads to shores of peace

~philip m devin


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