Love Dies
Love Dies Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don’t know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; It dies of weariness, of withering, of tarnishing.
Lost Love
Lost Love Better never to have met you in my dream than to wake and reach for hands that are not there.
Fresh Fallen Snow
Fresh Fallen Snow Snow falls on Mother Earth Winters blanket Breath, frozen cold, escapes Heart, warms inside Tears, frozen cold, fall Crashes at my feet Trees filled with nature’s purity, Bend and creak into one another Embracing limbs Protecting, standing firm Sky, black and hollow Spotted with distant stars Mornings reflection rises forward Crystallized snow, [...]
No Words To Pass His Lips
No Words To Pass His Lips Desolate, empty as old sunken ships, Souls lost and swallowed by the Spanish main A heart without words to pass his lips. Barren memories, friends who gently slip Out of reach to distant ports, not seen again. Desolate, empty as old sunken ships. Steering the ship away, risking the [...]
Hymn of Faith
Hymn of Faith Rays of light awake as they dance with the morning waves. Evening fog slowly rolls back to its trees, the shores jagged edge, now apparent. Wind, sweet with thought, Quietly blows its hymn of faith. Old, gray rails relieve me of my burden, the weight of my existence now rests. Like a [...]
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