Odd use of programming
I don’t actually know what to say WOW
And your IQ is…
Test your IQ at this site, the results are interesting: “Take the test now!” The score if you don’t want to pay for the personal report is: Average: 85 – 115 Above average: 116 – 125 Gifted Borderline Genius: 126 – 135 Highly gifted and appearing to be a Genius to most others: 136 – [...]
Help to Find a Cure
A nice and worthy cause that affects millions of loved ones… The US Postal Service is being asked to create a ‘semi-postal’ stamp to raise funds for the Alzheimer’s Association. To fight the disease that affects 4 million Americans. A petition of 50,000 signatures is needed to make an impact. “The Alzheimer’s Stamp Petition” Sign [...]
Does Life Suck?
The following 10 reasons came from a self help book on why people think their life sucks, this is not my personal view, but in looking at the follow and thinking about my life, I have on occasion used or mimicked a phrase or two that resembles one or two things on the list. So [...]
Trust Part 2
Trust is like a tower, something you spend two years building, two seconds destroying and rarely can be built in the same place as well as the first time.
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