Does Life Suck?
Posted on | October 14, 2003 | No Comments
The following 10 reasons came from a self help book on why people think their life sucks, this is not my personal view, but in looking at the follow and thinking about my life, I have on occasion used or mimicked a phrase or two that resembles one or two things on the list.
So I look at this list and wonder what would my commentary be on such things; one can look at this list as a host of negativity and despair and think that all people who have these thoughts are half empty glass people and are negative and not to be trusted or the type of people you would want in your life.
I look at this list and try and find some positive that can be taken from the list and look at my life and find areas to improve. If I or we as a people do not seek out truth and continue to strive toward the good and the divine, then what truly is the purpose of life?
Top Ten Reasons “Why Your Life Sucks” (an excerpt from Alan Cohen’s book, “Why your life sucks and what you can do about it” with commentary below from me)
1.You Forgot to Enjoy the Ride
** Another way of looking at this is life is precious, treat it as if it can be lost, as if it is fragile and delicate and unique and how we deal with life and what we make of it determines the path, the environment and the soul of our existence.
2.You Starve Your Soul
**I don’t know that I starve my soul, but it can be said I may not feed my soul enough for life. I believe to grow and continue to evolve and maker correction in life, we need to foster a healthy soul, teach it, feed it and allow it to heal itself. Read books of all sorts, seek out adventures of diversity, do not allow your soul to fade into the black and die for lack of care, lack of trying, lack of patience or apathy.
3.You Try to Fix Other People
**Not sure about this one. The only way I can view this is to say that we need to concentrate on fixing ourselves first and through our searching and growing, that we can affect other people in positive ways that might help them. We can only effect change on ourselves and not put this effort onto others, but our truth our heart and our humanity can treat others in ways unknown.
4.You Think You Have To Do it All Yourself
**There are many times when I feel alone or that the odds are so great that I have to overcome the battle alone, singular, without no companion. The truth is that we have others around us, there is always someone or something that we can look to or for. The real question is are we open to it, is our heart open to letting another soul join us to help. This is a state of mind and not truth, but our heart can be tricked by our mind. The challenge is to look beyond and be open to possibilities and accept a hand, a heart, a soul with out judgment, unconditionally.
5.You Say Yes When You Mean No
**Occasionally we do things we do not want and do not mean and we could blame our plight on this earth on others and think this to be true. But it really is not, we can control our destiny and our happiness. There is another way at looking at this. Self sacrifice can come in the form of doing things for others, saying yes when we mean no, doing things that our outside our comfort, sacrificing our comfort zone, our happiness and giving over of our self, affecting change, helping others. This does not make like suck, this adds value and credibility to our moral bank account and liberates us.
6.You Keep Trying to Prove Yourself
**Self consumption can cause more pain than external harm ever could. At some point, you need to be content with who you are, what you are, what you have achieved and consider ones self lucky for where they are and be grateful. Self reflection is good if it leads to growth and truth, pushing and punishing yourself can only lead to more heartache.
7.You Waste Your Energy on Things That Suck
**This is a tough one, I don’t believe the premise, not sure what this is to infer. I can see how we can spin our wheels on an idea or a theology and never get anywhere… “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome”… We can spend time on these things, but they are not a waste of time. Those times add knowledge and power to correct the courses we are taking and learn and grow, its only a waste of time and energy if we did not reflect on the past and move forward.
8.You Get Fooled By Appearances
**”Never judge a book….” This is simple, take life one step at a time, be open and do not judge, do not run to a hasty decision, most misunderstandings are from within us I believe and are a product of our prejudice and our own insecurities. Be open, look for truth, see the good in all, hope for the better.
9.You Expect it to Suck
**”Self fulfilling prophecy” If you beat yourself up, talk yourself into the negative it can happen, it can become reality. But… if we speak positive about the future, the past and the present and be the best we can, we are closer to the truth.
10.You Give Your Power Away
**To me this can only mean we don’t do all we can. We give up, we give in. We don’t believe we can effect change.
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