The Touched Path
Posted on | September 21, 2003 | No Comments
The Touched Path
The way is simple at first
Big broad roads
Shady inlets all about
A gentle breeze nestles amongst the leaves
The sun cast rays of hope
Which are scattered at my feet
All is just a step away.
As the road continues
Fallen trees block the path
A sudden mist fills the air
An eerie feeling shudders through the body
Change, the beast not often touched,
Is close to the path
Turmoil and distress,
Struggle and pain are of his design
Yet through the fallen branches and fog,
A new beginning can be seen.
Always searching for the end
Never knowing where it will lead
The sky grows dim, clouds gather
The struggle is now at an end
The road will lead you no more
Times of pressure are leaving,
Peace is stepping forth.
From start to finish
Many footprints were left along the path
Several branches broken
And still many more left untouched
Many detours marked the road,
Ending in the same way
Tiny waters droplets glisten on the now empty path
As if worlds of paradise might now be touched.
~ by Philip M Devin
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