Hot Yoga
Posted on | July 24, 2006 | No Comments
Its been a while since my last “online” entry… made many entries like I used to back in the day – on a private piece of paper in a 3 ring or spiral notebook… more private that way, more personal and yet not as personal given the web these days.
so here I am writing now – why? HOT YOGA
My god, I knew it would be hot, but it was HOT.
First 15 minutes most of the water in my body began to boil and rise to the surface of my skin and look for a way out – hell, I nearly wanted out of that room.
Next 15 minutes I notices it was hard to hold my fingers together and perform the simple task of grabbing my knees or toes or holding on to my thumbs. Somehow I was suppose to see myself in the mirror at the same time. This was a challenge as there were other incredibly drippy wet people contorting themselves in a way that is not human and yet I strained to do this while my eyes burned from my own sweat. I didn’t want to give up, so no water or towel break, I was determined to create my own River Yogi.
I have been in the room for 45 minutes and what doesn’t stick to me rolls off me because I am liquid. Some, actually most of the men in the room are not wearing shirts, they should, and as seeing such displays, I am further reminded to keep my shirt on.
1 hour now… my god it’s hot. my map is permanently stuck to the floor, its a gift I am giving to the instructor. Yet the towel over my mat is not ringing wet and wont stay put while I stretch my legs wide and try to lift one leg up to my chest, grip a toe, point to my chin, look up and back, breath, sweat fine inner peace and ….. exhale. its hotter now.
15 minutes left in the session (I have no clue of this, I am seeing bright then dim shooting stars in front of my face, my eyes are burning, my entire body is liquefied, my left ear hurts, I am permanently scarred for seeing the man in front of me have actual sweat faucets on his back and I know what it must feel like in a desert) and the instructor ( I refuse to call him master at this point) jokes we are half way through the session – I throw up a little in my mouth.
the lasts few “cool down” stretches are painful yet feel good – mainly because he just opened up the door to the outside hallway where the 92 degree temperature Seattle is feeling right now actually feels good, because our yogi room is about 102…. there are only 7 of us in the class, 8 with The Master (now I have done it) and its crazy hot… I started to sweat as if I was digging the new parallel tunnel for the Panama Canal – actually I was just unrolling my yogi mat (yes I have a mat now – Master Yogi called it dedication) and putting my towel on it, however, doing just this, began to need my second mini face wipe towel. Lots of towels are needed here.
so… I finished. A bit tired, woozy from the HOT to the hot to the outside to the warm water I was drinking to cool down to the tingles in my arms from moving towards my car.
I signed up and “prepaid” for 10 lessons…. Master Yogi called it dedication and I would soon have “Balance, Strength and Flexibility” – I just want some poweraid or medical aid… which ever comes first. for a laugh and a cry… more to follow as I build my core and find my Chi… which I left in my other yogi pants.
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