Hot YOGA 2
Posted on | July 27, 2006 | No Comments
Well, after the first day, I felt HOT yes, but pretty good, thinking I can do this, the moves are tough, the stretching is the worst portion with balance and that will come with time (my legs are over 40 and not as limber nor is my balance in anything good right now).
The next day, I could feel my hamstrings becoming tight, my back is a bit firm and I am generally thinking, I feel skinnier (I am sure it’s a state of mind or my Chi or Center finding a place to take a nap) but all good feelings are coming over my emotional psyche just like I used to feel back in the day of 4-5 times a week hard work outs at the gym, on the rock wall etc… the overall feeling of doing GOOD to my body and… this is the key, as Master Yogi said to me – I am motivated (marketing pitch, but it worked) and I am so much so, that I really honestly could not wait for the next time to go… “Yogi Time, I’m ready for YOGI!”
So I sprint home, leave a work meeting early (“business happy hour” actually) to get home to change and go to class – think about his kids – I chose 103 degrees in a small room to sweat like the River Nile with other drippy wet happy Chi finding people over drinks and appetizers for free –
The YOGI is in my head.
The lunatic is in my head.
The lunatic is in my head.
“I can’t think of anything to say except…
I think it’s marvelous! HaHaHa!”
Sorry, I digressed there for a minute…
My first time in class, 7 or so people, it was HOT, oh yes HOT for sure; sweat was all over the place, got the runners high feeling a few times, felt good, got HOT and more HOT.
However, HOT does not describe time number 2 in the room.
There are about 20+ people in the room now… all looking for their space on the floor and getting closer to me, ever closer and all I think about is the Sweat Faucet from last time and oh my God, let no one so close to me that I touch smell or interfere with their balance through my 2 hour old Yogi.
I wear a long sleeve shirt this time, thinking, last time, not so bad, I can stand to sweat more, loose some water weight, feel skinny more… 20+ people in a room the size of a 1 car garage with 3 heaters means… HOT would be nice, HOT would be a cool breeze. This was not only the temperature of the SUN, but the core of the SUN – the inner most hot of white hot hots, not the surface of the sun – that is a cool tropical place with pretty flowers, this was madness hot – Jack Nicholson “Here’s Johnny…. REDRUM” crazy HOT.
It was so Scorching HOT that the first 15 minutes my long sleeve shirt had become a YOGI skirt, and I could barely raise my arms from the weight of the sleeves and the simple fact that is was stuck to my skin in a way that I have never known had caused my shoulders to be pulled down in terrifying way – a fact that I can confirm today because my deltoids are so sore that writing this note is semi-painful – ADVIL please, STAT!
“Wrap my fingers around your foot, kick forward, straighten your leg and push out, sit back slightly while you bend your knees, stand up straightening your back while you pull and stretch (“pulling is opposite of stretching”, says Master YOGI), now stand on one leg, hummmm a few bars to your favorite sitcom and breathe…..”, uh huh… if I could hold on to my foot it would be great, but every pore of my body is liquid, so sure I will, but I need StickUM to grab my foot – oh and I am getting dizzy now.
Well this continues to the point of 60 plus minutes and I cannot perform some of the moves, the moves where you’re laying on the ground, Master Yogi would not be happy at me… I cannot even move while lying on the ground. I have the will, the desire, but my body is shutting down, it’s so hot that my entire head is wet and I am nauseous and thinking, “get me the hell out of here, into a pool, one with a swim up bar” or… “AIR, now”.
So I breathe more, this is making it worse, hyperventilating sets in… I keep moving trying… “I am getting a good work out… keep going…” uh huh “HOME NOW”.
Class over, walking to the car, a bit wobbly, dizzy, my shirt is dragging on the ground, I need help driving, still HOT, need cold shower, fan, two towels, more air…. Mikes Hard Lemonade and I am done.
I am going back Saturday… its something in the YOGI air/heater I think… Kool-Aide or something I am drinking in that room that cause me pain yet I need to go back, I want to go back… hmmm maybe CHI in English means, “painful happiness”.
I am a Lotus bending in the breeze of life :hehe: – No Clue.
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