2008… Resolutions / Goals
Posted on | January 2, 2008 | No Comments
Been thinking about the resolutions for 2008 and have quite a few good ideas for improvement, mostly all from my own head and some from impute from friends (both constructive and not so much) but all taken into consideration. I also do not really think of these as resolutions per se, but more of Goals for the year to strive towards.
Got it down to 10 items the year 2008. I have them paired up in categories, not by design, it just happen to flow out this way:
4 are related to personal emotional self reflective type items
2 are physical related
2 are personal fun related activities
2 are financial related
Not sure if they should be written down and kept private in my wallet to be reflected on frequently “ala Tony Robbins – 7 Habits idea” put in my blackberry under “tasks” or put up in the world of the internet as public forum.
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