Devinfamily Journal

Words, rants, thoughts, ideas and stuff…

Labor Intensive

Posted on | January 15, 2009 | No Comments

Shot a short film, “Labor Intensive” over the holiday break down in LA. The film was Written and Directed by my college buddy, “Colin Mitchell”.

I was fortunate to participate in the film and watch Colin work his art – I had a small role in the film and participate as Producer. The movie features “John Getz” – great actor as well as “Richard Sommer” and “Audrey Wasilewski” from the TV Show Madmen”.

The film was essentially “wrapped up” the first weekend in January, however, a key scene in the movie is a “birth” scene and for that to be completed, Salli has to give birth… the date is January 27th… yes, she is actually pregnant and the big screen debute of “Maxwell Mitchell” will be minutes after birth and put into the film…. art has no boundries!

What a great time and the film will be finished by April or May and screening and debut dates will be forth coming… Sundance here we come…

This shot is between takes, but essentially I get shot dead by the main character, played by Collin’s wife, “Salli Saffioti”.

Phil-Shot2 (781k image)

John Getz
johngetz (811k image)

johngetz2 (799k image)

labor1 (1008k image)

labor2 (1026k image)

labor3 (735k image)

richard1 (957k image)

philshot1 (713k image)

richard2 (953k image)

richard3 (653k image)

salli3 (815k image)

salli2 (671k image)

salli1 (673k image)


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