Extending ourselves (rambling)
Posted on | October 8, 2003 | No Comments
How do we extend ourselves when there is no trauma…
Many thoughts and phrases surround the idea of how people grow or exceed expectations in times of difficult challenges are everywhere. Stories talk about great triumphs and things that people can do when pushed against the wall, many heroic stories tell tales of perseverance and achievements.
Is this for the few and the distinct, the ones who have an internal drive that is unique? Does it always have to be such a huge triumph over insurmountable odds to be considered achievement? Is just existing in life dealing with daily pain and heartache, set-backs and minor tragedies worthy of such accolades in the same fashion as the hero? If one endures a life not of romantics natures, one of daily existence with general highs and lows, and performs not a huge swing to one side or the other, does this person exist on a level any greater or lower than the hero?
Does it always take great blockades to give rise to personal greatness? And what is a great blockade? Can personal huge setbacks to one person be a minor inconvenience to another? What if a person lives a relatively simple life, has personal struggles and interpersonal challenges and demons to contend with still live a hero
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