Devinfamily Journal

Words, rants, thoughts, ideas and stuff…

What matters…

Posted on | November 8, 2003 | 1 Comment

What matters…

What is it that really matters most or matters in general… Is is family, friends, children, relationships, the things we have done, the things we have left behind or the things we have yet to do. I wonder if you could choose to matter would you, would it be too hard.

When we leave this earth and move on to wherever that may be, will we have done enough to leave things that matter. Will it be memories, will it be love, family, children. What will it be that defines us, I think it will be the things we leave behind. We can try to define who we are today, in the present, but I think we will be more defined and more concrete after we are gone. It could be either positive or negative, but it may be later on that we find out.

What matters…

I like to think its the little things we say or do, the things we try to to do and the connections we make.

There is so much mistrust and miscommunication that we spend most of our time either watching our steps or erasing our steps.

What matters…

Do we get second chances? When we make mistakes and go completely off the path or even if we stray slightly, can we come back, are we allowed to come back… I wonder if this is more of a question of should we. How do we fix, mend, rectify, realign, rekindle or reconnect the things and the people we have hurt. Can trust be rebuilt, can love overcome, is love the one definition that defines.

What matters…

I have lived the bulk of my life looking at the present and the past, not necessarily the future. Its probably because its easier to see the good from the rear view mirror and reflect on those things than try and find regret and correct. But my mistakes still haunt me in the present and probably will in the future. How do we change the path we have set ourselves upon?

I have loved and lost. The spirit that moves and binds us has strange ways and seems to challenge us daily. I have lost everything and more and yet its probably little to nothing to someone else who has more to loose. Will the path lead me to the same, to better, to more that what I have had… Can I, do I have the will to make things different and improve. Is this done simply by my actions, my will, my spirit and drive?

What matters…

Given second chances what would I do. I find a new love, actually a better love, a pure love, the love and what do I do, what am I to do. I cant figure out if this happens to help me rectify the wrongs, get a second chance, the opportunity for atonement, for salvation to find peace, to create a better life (is this the last of the second chances). What if this is not that, what if its to torture me to push me to see what life could have been if my path was different.

What matters…

What matters differs to each person. What matters is that which gives us a soul. What matters gives us light, gives us hope. What matters is the memories of today.

What matters

A soul to trust
A body to know
Move with the light
leave the dark

Strings play a sound
Harmony rings true
Vibrations calming rhythm

Branches reaching high
Swaying with life
Conviction and strength

A heart to trust
A body to know
Leave the dark
enter the light



One Response to “What matters…”

  1. me
    May 26th, 2004 @ 10:39 am

    People often define themselves by an unresolved moment dangling in time…a moment without an ending. The mistake becomes the definition and life continues in that moment, permanently. A soul cannot exist without the presence of pain and the ability to accept it and grow – without this joy and peace will never be known.

    I really like what you’ve written – very insightful with postive flow…makes ya think. I like that.

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